YOU Control YOUR Outcome

YOU Control YOUR Outcome

I just wish I had the time to do something for ME…….Ugh am I 65 yet?! I’m ready to retire today………I know the company will take care of me, right? They’re solid, I’m producing, we’re good…………..Sound familiar??

Number One, there are 8,765 hours in a year. If you can’t find time for yourself, it’s purely, and undoubtedly, due to your own lack of self love, self awareness, or “want to”. You’ve essentially made yourself non-essential.

I don’t want to hear the bullshit, about “I have a family”, or “I’ve got kids maaaaan!” …who cares! So does Bill Gates, and he takes a full week off each year to just read…. Articles, books, whatever! Just reads. And Billy has a few things going on.

I’ve WANTED to learn that new language, or I wanted to take that Yoga Class……buuuuuut I’ve got to get little billy to practice, and go to that church pot luck, and hubby or wifey needs dinner when they get home, and by the time soccer practice is over……siiiiigh, I just don’t have the time 😦 …..Fuck You, and I mean that in the nicest way possible….ASK a friend to take little Billy, Tell the Church you’ll see them on Sunday, Tell Hubby or Wifey, there’s this thing called ordering in, or a grocery store, they’ll figure it out, and by the time soccer practice is over? The world will still be revolving on it’s axis, and you’ll have had an awesome time with yourself, muy bueno! Make yourself a priority.

Number Two, the group that is constantly playing it right, just gonna keep investing, working hard, and get to retirement and it’ll be smoooooth sailing. The people that read rich dad poor dad, and just have it all figured out. $1million dollars today if you have it, and your investments don’t tank in the future, assuming just 3% inflation has the purchasing power of $412,000 in 2040, the S&P 500 has a rate of return of 3.7% so that’s awesome right?

And don’t give me the time value of money bullshit, tell that to the people that played this game, and lost everything in 2007-2008.

Take mini-retirements (Tim Ferriss), stop working so goddam hard for so little. Lol, it still blows my mind to this day, when you ask someone how was your week?? “It was crazy, I was working like 12 hour days, just crushin it, grindin!”…..Really? Ever sit down and think about what you did in those 12 hour days? “grinding and crushing it?” Most of the time if you just stopped working like you were a cat tied up in a pillow case on a hot day, you could probably be more efficient, and get what you need done in half the time, then go lay by a pool and read a book, or switch to decaf.

You control your happiness on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, basis. Take that weekend trip, take that extra time off, certainly save…….that’s a great idea, but the days of putting a nest egg away and feeling really awesome about it, and waiting to enjoy life at 65, are gone with the type writer, the rotary phone, 8 track, “take care of the company, and the company will take care of you” mentality, VHS tapes, and Snoop Dog (now he’s snoop lion? wtf?) I’ll take my enjoyment now, thanks Life 🙂

Lastly, If you haven’t seen the YouTube clip of Jim Carey giving the commencement speech at Maharishi University, GooGle it…..I’ve had my own life experiences with “safe careers”, I’m sure you have, or know someone who has as well. There is no such thing, the minute you don’t fill up an Excel Spreadsheet box with a trivial number, or stockholders get antsy, or your boss’s ass is on the line, your safe job isn’t so safe any more. So in the words of Jim Carey “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love”.

YOU Control YOUR Outcome.

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YOU Control YOUR Outcome

I just wish I had the time to do something for ME…….Ugh am I 65 yet?! I’m ready to retire today………I know the company will take care of me, right? They’re solid, I’m producing, we’re good…………..Sound familiar??

Number One, there are 8,765 hours in a year. If you can’t find time for yourself, it’s purely, and undoubtedly, due to your own lack of self love, self awareness, or “want to”. You’ve essentially made yourself non-essential.

I don’t want to hear the bullshit, about “I have a family”, or “I’ve got kids maaaaan!” …who cares! So does Bill Gates, and he takes a full week off each year to just read…. Articles, books, whatever! Just reads. And Billy has a few things going on.
I WANTED to learn that new language……buuuuuut I’ve got to get little billy to practice, and go to that church pot luck, and hubby or wifey needs dinner when they get home, and by the time soccer practice is over……siiiiigh, I just don’t have the time 😦 …..Fuck You, and I mean that in the nicest way possible….ASK a friend to take little Billy, Tell the Church you’ll see them on Sunday, Tell Hubby or Wifey, there’s this thing called ordering in, or a grocery store, they’ll figure it out, and by the time soccer practice is over? The world will still be revolving on it’s axis, and you’ll have had an awesome time with yourself, muy bueno! Make yourself a priority.

Number Two, the group that is constantly playing it right, just gonna keep investing, working hard, and get to retirement and it’ll be smoooooth sailing. The people that read rich dad poor dad, and just have it all figured out.

Did you know that $1million dollars today if you have it, and your investments don’t tank in the future, assuming just 3% inflation has the purchasing power of $412,000 in 2040, the S&P 500 is at a rate of return of 3.74% so that’s awesome right? And don’t give me the time value of money bullshit, tell that to the people that played this game, and lost everything in 2007-2008.

Take mini-retirements (Tim Ferriss), stop working so goddam hard for so little. Lol, it still blows my mind to this day, when you ask someone how was your week?? “It was crazy, I was working like 12 hour days, just crushin it, grindin!”…..Really? Ever sit down and think about what you did in those 12 hour days? “grinding and crushing it?” Most of the time if you just stopped working like you were a cat tied up in a pillow case on a hot day, you could probably be more efficient, and get what you need done in half the time, then go lay by a pool and read a book, or switch to decaf.

You control your happiness on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, basis. Take that weekend trip, take that extra time off, certainly save…….that’s a great idea, but the days of putting a nest egg away and feeling really awesome about it, and waiting to enjoy life at 65, are gone with the type writer, the rotary phone, 8 track, “take care of the company, and the company will take care of you” mentality, VHS tapes, and Snoop Dog (now he’s snoop lion? wtf?) I’ll take my enjoyment now, thanks Life 🙂

Lastly, If you haven’t seen the YouTube clip of Jim Carey giving the commencement speech at Maharishi University, GooGle it…..I’ve had my own life experiences with “safe careers”, I’m sure you have, or know someone who has as well. There is no such thing, the minute you don’t fill up an Excel Spreadsheet box with some trivial number, or stockholders get antsy, or your boss’s ass is on the line, your safe job isn’t so safe any more. So in the words of Jim Carey “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love”.

YOU Control YOUR Outcome.

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Arrogance Confused For Intelligence?

Arrogance Confused For Intelligence?

Arrogance at its very core is the belief/value set, that your beliefs, are facts that cannot be challenged, and you can manipulate and use those beliefs to judge how others think, live, feel etc. For me, the greatest example of this are “born again Christians”. Once they’ve decided to stop being a shit head, and it was a story in a book that made them do that (cough bullshit!), they immediately forget that they fell on hard times in their fog of life before Jesus opened their eyes (yawn), or did some not so awesome things in the past, and are ready to pass judgement on all those who don’t want to invest in the Jesus 401K. The arrogant see the world, but it’s kind of like viewing it through the plastic straw in your $6 Starbucks Caramel Machiatto spiked with Jesus sprinkles, it’s murky, and you kind of miss a lot of what’s really going on. Intelligence is knowing what you do not know, embracing humility, thinking, learning, tolerance…..and believing dinosaurs existed….I mean come on guys, I know Noah made a movie here recently, but we have giant fucking skeletons, also called fossils. Be intelligent, read, research, people that hold on to ONE singular view so tightly might as well be a goldfish in a fishbowl, lots of activity, but goin NOWHERES 🙂 -80/20

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This Was My 90 Day Transformation

This Was My 90 Day Transformation

This is my passion, this is what I love. Getting healthy, and I hope to one day be able to help others do the same. I struggle with all of the same issues you all do, wanting pizza, or to much booze, sugar, candy, etc. but learning how to LIVE healthy,………LIVE HEALTHY, keeps me in shape, it’s a lifestyle. Not a box of overpriced shakes, and gimmicks, not a South Beach, North Beach, West Beach, or East Coast diet. I lost 42 lbs. got to 12.5% body fat, a size 42 waist, to a 32 through going to the gym, hard work, and I’m committing to get better because I have a ways to go, but that’s the point! Being fit is the one game you can play against yourself, you can always set a personal record:). And it doesn’t have to financially strap you. You don’t need $70 fat burners, or $150 Crossfit Classes if you can’t afford it, if that’s your thing than by all means go for it, but not everyone can spend half a car payment on fitness class….so it takes the excuses away. It can be done by simply learning how to shop, and cook for yourself. Call my “selfie” dooshy, but when you’ve gotten so big that it’s a struggle to bend over and tie your shoes?? You’d be proud of your results….and dam the critics, because they’re the ones that don’t put in the time. Be proud, not cocky of the hard work, and your accomplishments. I have several friends that have motivated me even if they don’t know it, Edward March, Eddy Roach, Joey Dusek….so find someone who you can talk to, and will help educate you, as well as be an accountability partner. This is by no means a “look at me” post, it’s simply to say, If I can do it, so can you…..and we all measure success in a different way. Hopefully one day I’ll have the ability to help others as well! And good luck to any of you out there taking on your own personal challenge! #youcandoit

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4 TIps To Go From Going From Fearful To Free

I am prefacing this re-post this is not original writing by me, it’s an article by one of my favorite writers Terri Cole form Positively, it’s a great read:



4 Tools to Help You Shift From Feeling Fearful to Free






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What if fear were just a feeling most of the time in your life?

Can you imagine how your life might change if you knew for sure that statement was true?

I am not referring to kill or be killed, fight or flight, mortal danger, fear. I am simply referring to the everyday, pedestrian, and sometimes pervasive fear that impacts your life.

In working with thousands of people over the last two decades I have seen how often decision making is driven by fear. Time spent fearfully projecting into the future about what might happen or ruminating about the past, going over what did and didn’t happen and why. And most people have fear about what others think of them.

These are all ways that your fear mind, or mafia mind as I like to call it, may just be running your life, and keeping it small. So much of the time my clients don’t realize how much of their life is being dominated by fear. They come to me, unaware that they have a choice of how to deal with their fear mind. Awareness of that choice helps liberate them, to live a much happier life, driven by desire not fear. You too can learn to recognize your fearful thoughts before they dictate your actions.

I have spent the last 17 years in my busy private practice and in the trenches of my own therapeutic process de-mystifying the mind/body connection to fear. So I want to share with you:

Four Things I Know for Sure about FEAR  @Terri_Cole (Click to Tweet!)


Which is great news because we change our feelings all of the time. Unless you live in an active war zone, most of the fear that you experience daily is a feeling inspired by a fearful thought about something that might happen in the future. You can change your mind, which will change your feelings, which will change your behavior.You have the power to do that.


Most of us walk around as though someone has a gun to your head all the time. You operate in fight or flight mode. What you lose by living in this heightened state of fear, is your ability to make conscious choices. In a constant state of reaction rather than response you can lose control and may make irrational, and perhaps even dangerous, decisions.


Your fear mind extorts the joy and happiness from your life. Fear makes you worry about what might happen if you speak your truth, follow your dreams, or open your heart. It is important to recognize and remind yourself that a lot of things might happen, and that a lot of things won’t happen. Notice how the fear mind is always trying to control you with the worst case scenario?

In order to make the shift away from a Doomsday preparation mindset, you must harness the mind blowing power of your own intention. You create what you want, the problem is most people are not aware of this. You create your fear. In most cases your fearful experience is not happening to you, but rather coming from you. However, it can be possible to co-create what you truly want through the power of your intention. The best way to do this is with a dedicated daily meditation practice.


In order to be here now, you must have present moment consciousness. In my experience, meditation is one of the most effective tools to raise awareness of your fearful thoughts before you act on them. From this awareness you have choices. You can reject your thought and change it. You can create awareness through meditation.

Even if you have never meditated a minute in your life, you can now. All you need is the desire, your tush and a couch to have an effective practice. It is the daily moments that you spend in stillness and silence during meditation that will buy you reaction time in your waking life. I have seen meditation bring so much peace to so many people, you deserve that kind of peace too.

I have no doubt that you have the power to make choices that can liberate you from the mental prison that fear creates. You deserve to live fearless and free. I ask that you post in the comments below so that you can connect with me and other readers. Share with us your experience of fear and how you plan on using the tools above to create freedom. Ask questions and ask for support, and most importantly always remember to take care of you.

Love Love Love



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Don’t Follow The Crowd

I’m sitting here watching the snow fall, regrettably….watching the golf, and I feel a need to let anyone know who has ever read any of my posts, something. I have to do a 180 on this, do not join Crossfit, I have seen a large enough sample size now that I truly believe they are kind of a fitness version of a cult. If you ask questions, or challenge their thought process? They put you down, say nasty things to you, and try to make you feel inferior….luckily I’m smarter and better looking then most of them  I like my gym World Gym Fitness Center because they do a form of CrossFit exercises, but it’s not the TRUE cult like following….my advice, and what I’ve always thought, is find a good coach…..a person that will help you with your goals, but if you tell them “this doesn’t feel good” they don’t call you a small person, or a pussy…..there’s ways to get fit, look great, and feel great that don’t involve rope climbs, box jumps, and morons throwing up olympic weights for time. Do your research, talk, and ask for help, and find what works right for you! There’s no one right way to do anything in life.
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Got Dreams?

Got Dreams?

Ever sit in your cubicle….desk, and wonder….what’s my purpose? What do I really want to do?

What have you always wanted to do that you’re to scared to try?

Is it a business that you want to start? Is it a book you want to write? Is it moving to the beach and just slingin booze under the guise of a tiki hut?

Now think about all the energy you put into worrying about, or wanting those things to happen. Imagine if you turned that energy around, and put it towards making those “dreams” a reality:)

The “shoulds” say that we are supposed to work at least a 40 hour work week…in all honesty you can get that done in 3 days. Take the other 4 days of your week and work on what makes you happy!

The only dreams that aren’t realized, are the ones that were never pursued.

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Emo Angry Song

There’s nothing here, just an awesome screamo song:)

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You Like My Posts Bro?



I think……wait, I KNOW that soooo many times we don’t do things, or say things, or chase those dreams because we worry about what others may think. Could be family, friends, random facebook “friends”, etc. 

What I’ve come to realize, with the help from some others, is that none of it matters, none of it! There’s no real secret to happiness, and by that I mean, once you come to realize that happiness doesn’t come from money, or things, or approval from others, it comes from what you do for yourself and if it makes you smile? Then do it! Even if just for a little bit:) Whether it’s a blog that no one may read, but getting your thoughts out on digital paper, or posting pictures of fun times that you’ve had, or listening to a new song over and over and over and singing it out loud poorly in a car, shower lol! Whatever it is? It’s yours! 

Trust me, if people don’t want to hear it, or view it, or read it, they’ll block you or all of your posts, texts, phone calls,  and that’s fine f%*ck em anyway! 

I can remember a time in high school and then again in college where I was told, “years down the road, you’ll be able to count your good friends on one hand…..maybe a few fingers (middle ones) in my case lol! But it’s true! 

Be unapologetically you……life has a funny way of always working itself out. And it will work itself out in a positive way if you send that energy out there to the universe. 

When you are able to let go, and I mean truly let go, and realize that you cannot control everything, your surroundings, your job, your financial situation, your social life, your romantic situations, and just live? It’s a very freeing feeling. 

We all have those days when we hear that negative inner voice start creeping into your mind saying “you’re not doing enough” or “you suck!”, acknowledge it, that’s fine…..and then step back and say thanks for making me realize how awesome I really am!

Be the best version of you TODAY, not making up for what happened yesterday or years ago. And not thinking of what you need to be in the future. If you need help? ask for it, and give help when it’s asked of you in return. 

So I ask…..”you happy bro?” 

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